As marching band is an extra-curricular activity and falls under the guidelines of the athletic department, students must be held to following minimum requirement to participate in The Pride of Cardinal Country.
- Student must be enrolled in at least five one credit courses or the equivalent, each of which counts toward graduation.
- Student must have received passing grades in at least five one credit courses or the equivalent, each of which count toward graduation during the 4th grading period (summer school and credit recovery will not be counted).
- Physical Education credits do not count toward this.
- Students must be a participant in curricular bands unless the directors allow an exemption (color guard members are exempt).
- It is vital to manage time appropriately and maintain eligibility. As marching band goes beyond the first quarter, students that do not pass five courses during the first quarter will lose eligibility for the second quarter. This will result in loss of performance opportunities which includes the last football games, contests and state contests. Ineligibility may also impact extra trips like Disney World, Orlando and will hurt the band overall.
Full attendance to rehearsals and perfomances are critical to our success! If you must miss a rehearsal or performance, students need to contact Mr. Scoles, Mr. Douglas, Ms. Hind or Mr. Drouillard via email and copy their parent/guardian.
To be on time is to be early – to be late is to be left!
Please refer to the Thomas Worthington MB Handbook in the Information in the Google Drive for full details on our attendance policies and see the directors with any questions.
A successful marching band consumes a great deal of resources each year. Every effort has been made to keep costs low while avoiding the sacrifice of a quality experience. As a member of the Thomas Worthington High School Marching Band you are likely to pay only half of what many band members are paying in neighboring school districts. Many of the necessary fees are spread throughout the summer and season to avoid a concentrated financial strain on families.
Families that are on free/reduced lunch may have a subsidized Cardinal Pride Fee and Participation Fee. Financial hardships will be considered on an individual basis; please seek out the directors or band booster president in this request.
List of Fees:
- Cardinal Pride Fee
- Uniform Fee
- Personal Items and Additional Costs – Shoes, Gloves, Extra Summer Shirt, etc.
- School Participation Fee
Please see the Information – MB (students and families) Google Drive for additional details or the Directors/Band Booster President with questions.
Summer Uniform:
- Red T-shirt* Supplied by band, Extra purchased by you
- Blue Uniform Shorts* (Band Members) Furnished by you
- Black Athletic Shorts* (Color Guard Members) Furnished by you
- White Crew Socks* Furnished by you
- White Tennis Shoes* Furnished by you
- Optional – Blue Jeans and TWHS Band Sweatshirt – may be used for rainy events
Fall Marching Uniform:
- Marching Hat and Plume – Supplied by band
- Marching Jacket with Emblem – Supplied by band
- Marching Pants/Overalls/Bibbers – Supplied by band
- Wrist Gauntlets – Supplied by band
- Garment Bag – Supplied by band
- White Gloves* – Supplied by band, purchased by you
- Black Marching Shoes* – Supplied by band, purchased by you
- Black Athletic Socks* (please, no dress socks) – Furnished by you
Contest Uniform:
- Marching Pants/Overalls/Bibbers – Supplied by band (part of fall uniform)
- Custom Themed Performance Top – Supplied by band (will be distributed before first contest)
- Black Marching Shoes* – Supplied by band, purchased by you (part of fall uniform)
- Black Athletic Socks* (please, no dress socks) – Furnished by you (part of fall uniform)
*Denotes personal items that can be reused each year if in good condition.
Before Rehearsal:
- Drink 10 to 16 ounces of water or sports drinks 15 to 30 minutes prior to starting a rehearsal or performance. If the session is prolonged, consider consuming a sports drink containing 6 to 8 percent carbohydrates.
- Carbohydrates added to drinks provide a boost in energy.
- Drinks with too high of a carbohydrate concentration can lead to dehydration, it is important to find the right balance.
During Rehearsal:
- Participants should drink 4 to 8 ounces of fluid at 15 to 20 minute intervals during rehearsals.
- They should also consume fluids following a performance.
- By the time thirst sets in, you’re already dehydrated.
What to Avoid:
- Avoid drinks with CHO concentration greater than 8%
- Avoid fruit juices, CHO gels, sodas, and sugar filled sports drinks
- No beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, and carbonation
Tips For Success
ACT, SAT, Summer Jobs, After School Jobs, Driver’s Education, routine doctor’s visits should be scheduled around marching band rehearsals. A full roster is the best and fastest way for our group of students to stay on the path to success.
*SAT Testing and ACT Testing – Thank you for choosing dates that do not conflict with Contests and Rehearsals.
Athletic shoes are necessary for students to perform their best.
Healthy and happy students are productive students! It takes about 2 weeks to become accustomed to the warmer conditions outside. Students should gradually spend a little bit more time outside each day.
During our longer pre-camp, band camp, and post-camp days, we’ll be spending the hottest parts of the day indoors. But the evenings will be spent outside.
Water breaks are important, and we take them very frequently during the Summer months. We average breaks about every 20 minutes, but it can be as often as 10 or 15 minutes when considering the heat index.
Students should wear lightweight clothing, bring sunblock, etc.
We thrive with everyone making strong contributions. Don’t be held back by the temperature.
Mental health is strongly tied to our physical health. It is no wonder that students typically have their best grades and showcase their academic strengths during the marching band season when they are very physically active.
We strongly encourage all of our students to be active even in the weeks they are away from marching band. Have you checked out our Marching Health regimen? It’s in the Google Folder.
Opportunities and Advantages of Being in Marching Band:
Performances – Around the community, state, and outside of Ohio including great stadiums like The Shoe, etc
Travel with friends and experince new things – Be a part of an amazing team!
School Spirit – Work hard together and contribute to the spirt of the school
Friendships – with all age classes of students and a great way to start off the school year
1st Quarter Grades usually high – learn time management and high levels of concentrated focus
Fun Things for the Students – Section Dinners — Club W – Bus Rides – Football Games and Contests with Friends
Our Band Directors are the BEST around!!!!!!
Marching Band Google Drive
The Marching Band Google Drive contains important information pertaining to our program. Please reference the documents in that drive for answers to many questions.
- Pre-Participation Physical Forms – Pre-Participation Physical for the 2024-2025 season has been released to us and is now available in the Marching Band Folder and on Final Forms. These are due July 20, 2024.
- Uniforms – Summer and Performance, Care and Maintenance, Hemming
- Rehearsal Calendar
- Performance Calendar
- Hydration
- MB Checklist
- Pro Tips
- Terms to Know
- Google Calendar Links – iPhone, Android and Desktop